Zulu Political Today

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In the early 1990's the Zulu have formed their own political party called the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP, also Inkatha). It is mainly a Zulu based political party, but other members are present as well. Although the party was formed in 1912 to preserve the Zulu heritage it didn't have authorization to be a political party until the 1990's, even though in 1980 they were estimated to have 1.5 million members.

When the political party started in 1912 to preserve its Zulu heritage the cause was the British's take over of the Zulu city state that left it in shambles, besides their land. the take over caused lots of problems for their culture, and political structure.


Thanks to the British the Zulu have established schools, and teachers. In middle school they're even taught English like American's are taught Spanish.  Most schools even have computers, although most of these are contributed by outreach programs. In more rural parts of Kwazulu there are still teachings, and professions like in the late 1800's, but not many.